見出し画像:Michal JarmolukによるPixabayからの画像
Some of our readers might be wondering what exactly it is like to study abroad from home. In short, it’s sooo bad for your eyes as you face the laptop screen 24/7.
Joking aside, here’s a typical day in my life at SOAS (from home).
Before you read
This is not a representative of all the international students at SOAS, nor all the students studying abroad from home. Also, the times and schedules are modified as well as simplified based on my normal days during term 2 at SOAS.
My timetable (JST in pink).
Monday is the toughest day. After participating in Japanese class as a volunteer, which happens every other week, I attend 2 classes in a row—3 hours in total—with the camera turned on in the middle of the night. I am often wearing pajamas under the sweater.
家から通うSOASでの私の1日 A Day in My Life at SOAS from Home
10:30 am・・・起床 wake up
10:45 am・・・洗濯 laundry
11:00 am・・・遅めの朝食 late breakfast
11:30 am・・・予習の確認、その他諸々 check for updates on classes and stuff
Any updates and announcements related to modules can be found on the e-learning platform called Moodle, same as TUFS.
Each unit of classes is called a “module” or simply course, and the amount of reading varies by the course.
At the time of writing today, February 24, 2021, it is the 7th week of term 2 (11 weeks total).
12:30 pm・・・愛犬と散歩 walk my dog
1:45 pm・・・帰宅 come home
2:00 pm・・・遅めの昼食 late lunch (watch YouTube or Netflix)
2:45 pm・・・予習 preparation for today’s class
I stream music while reading / writing. Nothing could be done without a laptop.
6:00 pm・・・掃除 vacuuming
6:30 pm・・・愛犬にごはん feed my dog
8:00 pm・・・夕食 dinner
9:00 pm・・・予習 preparation for a class
10:00 pm-0:0 0am・・・授業 class
Armin SchreijägによるPixabayからの画像
As an innate night owl, I feel like I have acclimatized myself to late night classes more or less (well, it’s been 5 months). But the brain doesn’t seem to work too well, so my English speaking level often drops approximately by 40% from my usual poor state.
0:30 am・・・お風呂 bath
1:30 am・・・予習/復習 preparation/review
After class, I usually organize my notes, prepare for another class, or work on assignments. Having had trouble in term 1, I am TRYING not to carry things over to later weeks as I am a huge procrastinator.
3:00 am・・・就寝 go to bed
Despite those night classes, I think I am maintaining a relatively healthy lifestyle. For the very first time in my life, I am glad that I am a night owl. Also, I find it helpful to be able to have more time before a class.
This is pretty much how my everyday life looks. I hope it gave a clearer image of remotely conducted study-abroad experience to anyone who has been considering an online study-abroad program as an option or interested in studying at SOAS.
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