Have you ever been told that someone “loves” you?
Except for your family, I often hear girls saying “I love you so much!” or “I’m in love with you~” to each other when they are chatting with their friends.
Although boys don’t say such words as frequently as girls I hope some of you told your friends “I love you, man.”
I think everyone has experienced saying that you love them without any attention.
However, what I want to insist on here is not about that kind of “love”.
It is the “love” that suggests “I wish you were my partner”.
There are still many people who think that it is abnormal and wrong to be in love with the same gender around the world including Japan.
Although the same-sex partnership system has been introduced in part of the Japanese local governments, same-sex marriage is yet to be admitted due to the existing law.
My friend from the same elementary school said she realized that she was a lesbian when she was a junior high school student.
She had been suffering from the anxiety that she should not love anyone because of the fright that the person who she loves might hate her and they cannot get along with each other anymore.
Her hometown: the United Kingdom has many groups or movements to support LGBTQ+ people and the preparation of law is making steady progress.
2020年9月からはLGBTQ+に関するカリキュラムを、イギリスの教育に取り入れることが必須となった。「若いうちから多様な家族のかたちについて学ぶことで、誰もが帰属意識を持てる環境を作ることができる」と、ストーンウォールのシドニー・バートランド・シェルトン氏はCBN Newsの取材で述べていた。
From September 2020, it became compulsory to take a curriculum concerned with LGBTQ+ into English education. Sidonie Bertrand Shelton of Education Programme at Stonewall says that “learning about diverse types of families since young age contributes to creating an environment where everyone can have a sense of belonging” in the CBN News interview.
Of course, my friend already knew about the news. She said that she is not regretting that she was brought up in a country generous toward diversity. Moreover, she thinks that the UK made remarkable progress by deciding on a new education program for LGBTQ+.
However, she does not think that she wants to be treated well at all.
Movements to appeal for human rights for the LGBTQ+ people are carried out in many countries around the world.
She told me that “It is good that the movement led to the public good like the education in the UK, but it doesn’t mean that we want to be treated specially.”
“I am not brave enough to be proud of me being a lesbian yet, but I never thought or said to others to help me because we are poor gay or lesbian and different from normal people. I want people to just think simply there are people like us and leave me alone.”
People who are prejudiced against the LGBTQ+ people misunderstand that the LGBTQ+ people are receiving special treatment.
They want us to understand like this: “We are the same as the ‘normal’ people like you.”
They are not expecting us to look at them as abnormal people or poor people who cannot live normally.
I will leave out the explanation about LGBTQ+ here for the readers who felt they wanted to understand more about this issue.
Although it sounds obvious, I believe that start researching what you have doubts about is the first step to free yourself out of ignorance.
Finally, I would like to write down the important manners which my friend told me here.
She is careful in choosing her words when she is talking about a boyfriend or girlfriend with her close friends.
She asks like this because we cannot decide that only a male and female couple can love each other.
Not “Do you have any boyfriend/girlfriend?” but “Do you have a lover?”.
(文・安藤 真季)
参考資料:gooddo,jp 「日本における同性婚やLGBTへの対応は?海外の結婚制度と比較」