Almost all of the Japanese schools start from April. Not only schools but also companies carry out a welcoming ceremony for new employees.
We normally start off our new life surrounded by beautiful cherry blossoms.
However, this custom particular to Japan might change in the future.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many students had to study at home instead of school. Some schools introduced online learning programme to support the students, but many students ended up falling behind schedule in studying. This serious situation should have influenced students’ possibility to enter a high school or university.
Therefore, Japanese government is discussing whether to change the academic year to September or not.
Junior high school students and above could afford to catch up with their studying. Moreover, by shifting to September admission like other foreign schools, it would be convenient for international students want to study in Japan and Japanese students who are planning to study abroad.
Of course, there are disadvantages. It’s obvious that we have to rethink and reschedule the school system and entrance exams. Simultaneously, we have concerns about the increasing number of children on waiting lists. When the children graduated from nursery or kindergarten in March, what will they do until September? Are there enough teachers if we increased the number of new students entering a school?
Finally, there are so many songs related to sakura (cherry blossom) in Japan. Some songs are made to cheer up people who are starting their new life and others let us remind of nostalgic memories we spent with our friends or family.
Japanese people have a special impression on sakura: “sakura = time to say goodbye to our memorable place and start our new life”.
Naotaro Moriyama’s “Sakura“, Ikimonogakari’s “SAKURA“, GReeeeN’s “sakura color”.
Many masterpieces related to cherry blossom include something concerned with encounter and farewell almost invariably.
If the shifting of academic year will be realized, this culture peculiar to Japan might also change or disappear someday.
(文・安藤 真季)
(Written by Maki Ando)